Weininger v. Hackel deals with the issue of negligence and the duty of care owed by drivers to pedestrians. New York State has a unique set of laws that govern the rights and responsibilities of pedestrians on the roadways. In New York, pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked. Drivers are required to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and are also prohibited from passing vehicles that have stopped for pedestrians. However, pedestrians also have certain responsibilities, such as using crosswalks when available and obeying traffic signals and signs. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in a citation or legal consequences.
On March 7, 1953, Margaret Weininger was crossing a street in Brooklyn when she was struck by a car driven by Max Hackel. Weininger sustained serious injuries, including a broken leg and a fractured skull, and was permanently disabled as a result of the accident. Weininger sued Hackel for negligence, alleging that he failed to exercise reasonable care and caution while driving and was therefore responsible for her injuries.